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Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony Waiting for SIPO Anthony
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What?s the Difference Between Scepticism and Cynicism? Wed Dec 04, 2024 19:00 | James Alexander
Manchester United Drops LGBT Rainbow Jacket After Muslim Star Player Refuses to Wear It Wed Dec 04, 2024 17:30 | Will Jones
More Than 50 Experts Ready to Defend Letby, Says Her Lawyer Wed Dec 04, 2024 15:14 | Will Jones
AI is a Misnomer Wed Dec 04, 2024 13:00 | Joanna Gray
Civil Service Reverts to Working From Home Under Starmer as Private Sector Returns to Office Wed Dec 04, 2024 11:30 | Will Jones
Voltaire NetworkVoltaire, international editionWhat is changing in the Middle East , by Thierry Meyssan Tue Dec 03, 2024 07:08 | en Voltaire, International Newsletter N?110 Fri Nov 29, 2024 15:01 | en Verbal ceasefire in Lebanon Fri Nov 29, 2024 14:52 | en Russia Prepares to Respond to the Armageddon Wanted by the Biden Administration ... Tue Nov 26, 2024 06:56 | en Voltaire, International Newsletter N?109 Fri Nov 22, 2024 14:00 | en |
national / rights, freedoms and repression Saturday August 29, 2020 00:33 by 1 of indy
Breaking News. Not reported by mainstream media or RTE. The Berlin rally against Covid-19 restrictions on Aug 1st had 1.3 million people turn up !!!! -How come we never heard about this? At the rally for 29th Aug, there are 2 million expected
Details of next Rally on Oct 3rd: here and here Coverage London and Berlin protest Aug 29th:
here and here
international / economics and finance Friday May 22, 2020 00:01 by 1 of indy
Prof Neil Ferguson who was the chief advisor to the UK government in the lead up to the Covid lockdown and was instrumental in bringing it about based his advice the output of his own undocumented computer code he wrote 13 years ago. In the initial stages of the crisis his "model" predicted 500,000 deaths in the UK from Covid. Then a short time later, he revised his figures sharply downward and said his model now predicted to 20,000 deaths. This incidentally is the same number of deaths from flu in the UK in a typical year. So it appears to be the case that the UK has committed economic suicide based on software that no-one else could inspect in advance nor was there any independent verification. To make decisions based on this type of methodology is nothing short of criminal. And we haven't even got to the assumptions used which obviously are on equally shaky ground given one day the model was predicting 500,000 dead and then when obviously some level of correction was done, it was then only 20,000. Related Links: COVID 19 Is A Statistical Nonsense | The Vaunted “R Number” the UK Is Destroying Itself Over Is Shamanic Mumbo Jumbo Not only is the data going in weak and uncertain, but even the core assumptions of the model are educated guesses subject to bias | Covid-19: Neil Ferguson, the Liberal Lyssenko | Sweden Has Covid-19 Beat, Leaving Everyone Who Locked Down With Egg on Their Face
national / economics and finance Monday April 27, 2020 13:35 by 1 of indy
Never before in the history of the world has there been such a massive and widespread shutdown of the economy for as long as for this Covid-19 scare. As of today April 21st it has been more or less shutdown for a month and the politicians instead of doing their usual and saying we will be out of this soon are saying we need to continue it indefinitely and even when the lockdown is lifted, it will only be gradual return to normality. Clearly everyone is worried and a lot depends on how long this lockdown continues for. The question is not whether the economy both here in Ireland and globally will be damaged but more by how much. This is an important question because real lives depend on what happens in it Here we attempt to assess where we are, what has happened and what logic dictates are some of the possible outcomes. Britain’s 77th Psy Ops Brigade Has Been Activated to Counter Coronavirus “Disinformation” The British military waging information war on their own population https://www.anti-empire.com/britains-77th-psy-ops-brigade-has-been-activated-to-counter-coronavirus-disinformation/
Related Links: In London alone 600 people a week more are now dying from heart attack because they were afraid to go to hospital If Sweden Succeeds, Lockdowns Will All Have Been for Nothing | In Frenzy to Empty Hospitals for Doomsday Model Predictions UK and NY Wreaked Mass Death on Care Homes | American Billionaires Have Gotten $280 Billion Richer Since the Covid Hysteria Pandemic | Coronavirus – The Aftermath. A Coming Mega-Depression…By Peter Koenig (ex World Bank)
international / sci-tech Saturday April 18, 2020 20:14 by 1 of indy
In light of the slight interruption to normal life that is going on it is worth reassessing some of the known common knowledge about Big Tech and it's related area Artificial Intelligence (AI). Unless you have been asleep for the past 10 years, everyone will have heard of Edward Snowden who revealed in quite extensive detail the level of ongoing surveillance carried out jointly by the US and UK intelligence agencies, the NSA and GCHQ. Prior to his disclosure any suggestion of widespread spying was met with derision. Overnight the world changed and it was widely accepted as fact by everyone. What's more is that the depth and scale of the programs were far bigger than even the pessimists had imagined. It was this more than anything which has tarnished the reputation of technology as something that was always good to a demonstration of it's dark side. The state as such has dirtied its reputation with regards to technology. Related Links: Amazon, Google, and Apple have moved past monopoly status to competing directly with governments… and winning | Britain’s 77th Psy Ops Brigade Activated to Counter Coronavirus “Disinformation” | ‘Subtle cues’ make people SHARE more online, study says – what does this mean for a post-Covid-19 world? | Don’t trust Apple or Google with coronavirus data, says German app developer | The tyranny of Big Tech is the biggest threat to democracy in our lifetime
international / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday April 05, 2020 23:11 by 1 of indy
The current shutdown of the economy and lockdown of society all around the world is unprecedented and it is very clear that the media are talking up the number and trying to instil panic and fear in the people. This is true not just in Ireland but everywhere else. What all the media reports have in common is that not a single one of them puts the numbers into perspective. All we see are league tables of infections and deaths for this country and others and how it is all going to get worse. Update: The common flu causes up to 5 million cases of severe illness worldwide and kills up to 650,000 people every year, according to the World Health Organization The purpose of this article is to introduce some rational discussion of these numbers and show how it all relates to each other. Regular Yearly and Daily Deaths in Various CountriesSo for example in the case of Ireland the headline screams today (Sat 4th Apr) 17 more deaths and 331 new cases for a total of 4,604. Anyone following the news will know this daily death rate has risen over the last week or so and 17 people is quite alot and brings the total so far to 137. So now we will put this in context. Update: Important Links: The Lockdown-Fueled Covid Panic Is Already Killing More People Than the Actual Virus | Austrian Doctors Warn of Lockdown Cost for Heart Attack and Cancer Patients | There Is Now a Staggering Amount of Evidence That Ventilators Are Killing More COVID Patients Than They Save | Funeral Home Lady Bursts Media’s New York COVID Corpse Porn (VIDEO) | Bill Gates’ IHME Covid-19 Model Uses Flawed Methods, Is Without Value and Shouldn’t Guide Anyone’s Policies | Trust WHO documentary - A damming Investigation... Trailer -if you can locate the full version contact us via contact form Consider a country with a population of 100 million and in it, there are an equal number of people at each age group. And lets assume the number of people born is more or less the same as the number who die. This would mean a growth rate of zero percent. We know most Western countries have a growth of anywhere from 1% to 2%. So now assume most people in this country live on average for 100 years. In fact the average expectancy in Ireland is 81.5. But lets stick with 100 for now. Then if you only last 100 years this would mean in a population of 100 million that each year (which is 1% of 100 years) that 1% of the people die. Well 1% of 100 million is simply one million. Therefore the number of people who die per day is 1,000,000 / 365 or 2,739 people per day. Now applying this logic to the USA with a population of approximately 331 million means 3.3 million die a year or 9,068 deaths a day. Italy has a population of 60m. This would then be 600,000 per year or 1,643 per day and for Ireland with a population of 4.9 million, the above would suggest about 49,000 deaths per year. Other Coverage Sweden’s Dangerous Experiment (Not Committing Social & Economic Suicide) Is Still Working | Covid Doomsday Cult Said Sweden Would Be Drowning in Bodies. It’s Doing Better Than Lockdown Britain | Ohio Citizens Stage a Spirited Protest Against the Covid Rouge Lockdown (VIDEO) | Irish Independent: (Apr 13th) We have sleepwalked into a police state - it's vital we have right to question State's actions | Slovenia’s Official Antibodies Study Implies COVID Infection Fatality Rate Just 0.15%, Comparable to Seasonal Influenza Infection is far more widespread (and far less lethal) than captured by PCR tests (15 to 58 times more so) |
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